I can’t help but notice that inspirational business coaches like Anthony Robbins are travelling the world teaching rooms full of entrepreneurs and business owners the importance of putting an Exit Strategy in place for their business. According to him, up to 87% of owners couldn’t sell the companies they spent their lifetime building because they never planned properly!
As I thought about this unfortunate statistic, I started to realize that we could equally apply that thinking to life in general because eventhough as humans we know we’re going to die, less than 30% of us are putting an Exit Strategy in place for the end of life. And, by not having one, we leave our family guessing and the government intervening.
Wouldn’t you want your life exit strategy to be thoughtful, caring and even memorable? If we lived ‘an adventurous or cool life, wouldn’t want your family and friends to remember you that way? Then, why would we choose to have a one-size-fits-all funeral steeped in tradition and rituals that don’t reflect our individual life and personality? Don’t you want people to remember YOU because YOU mattered?
I know you might not plan to die, but you will.
I know you don’t want to think about your demise, but you should.
5 Basic Things You Need To Do & Know Before You Go:
- create a bucket list of things you dream of doing and do them
- get a liquidator who will follow your end-of-life directives and knows where your important paperwork is
- put together a treasure box of things you want to leave to people, photos, important items that really resonate with you, your will, etc.
- open a file with a life planning service like alaVida.ca to make arrangements, including your cremation and personalized Celebration of Life event
- leave personal messages via written word, song or video, including: favorite quotes, life lessons, words of advice, love notes, etc.