What is the cost of a life celebration? 6 things to consider when hosting a life celebration in a unique venue in lieu of a funeral home setting Moving out of the funeral home to a location of choice offers a personalized reflection of the person being honoured. The cost depends on where you host it and at what time …
We all need an exit strategy from life!
I can’t help but notice that inspirational business coaches like Anthony Robbins are travelling the world teaching rooms full of entrepreneurs and business owners the importance of putting an Exit Strategy in place for their business. According to him, up to 87% of owners couldn’t sell the companies they spent their lifetime building because they never planned properly! As I …
5 Ideas to prep you for life after 50
Those of us hitting our 50s can’t deny that it’s an unsettling age. Like an earthquake rumbling underneath us, we arrive at this threshold of this mid-life bridge having perhaps achieved a lot, but also cognizant of this distinctive and consequential stage. In an effort to ease transition through this phase and attain peace of mind, you might consider a …